Facebook Lawsuit Reopens
The ‘Winklevoss’ twins, Tyler and Cameron have restarted the long running legal battle with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg . Just days after […]
Web Blocking Plans Criticised
On-line consumer groups have criticised proposals for websites which stream copyrighted material for free to be banned in the UK. This follows […]
Google Reaches 1 Billion Users
Data figures released from Comscore have revealed that search engine giant Google and their associated websites were visited 1billion times during May. […]
The Power Of 60 Internet Seconds
The internet is an amazing thing, from its humble beginnings to the global phenomenon that it is now, it provides millions of people with […]
Myspace Could Sell For $100m
Fallen giant of the social networking world, Myspace, is up for sale once again and reports are that it could fetch its […]
Web Domain Suffixes To Be Increased
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann) has voted to allow the creation of new web domain suffixes in a […]
Google vs Wayne Rooney
Recently Google announced the launch of its new “live search” application on its super fast search engine that most of us use […]
Google ‘Chromebook’ Goes On Sale
The first laptop running Google’s ‘chrome’ operating system has gone on sale in the United States. The machine which is made by […]
Google Increase Speed Of Search
Google have made further steps to increase the speed at which users get the information they are looking for. The 2 newest […]
Facebook Deny Losing Users
Following news that Facebook’s user numbers have dropped in the UK, USA, Norway and Russia, Facebook have come out denying they are […]
41% Of Firms Use Social Media To Win Clients
A recent survey of around 4,000 business owners has shown that around 41% of businesses use social media marketing to win new […]
Facebook User Numbers Drop
For the second month in a row, the growth of social networking giant Facebook has slowed. In may, the number of people […]