BlogArchiveFacebook Plan ‘Awesome’ Announcement

Facebook Plan ‘Awesome’ Announcement

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has told journalists that the social networking giant has an ‘awesome’ launch planned for some time this week.

He declined to comment further on the what this could be, however rumours are circulating that it could be anything from the release of an iPad app, to integration with skype, a music service or a photo sharing app.

The announcement of this launch comes at a time when most media attention has been on Google’s new ‘Google+’ social network, which has had positive reviews from the vast majority of its invited testers (including ourselves) and is thought to be a really challenger to Facebook in future.

Can the Harvard graduate’s self built multi-billion dollar social networking juggernaut fend off Google and place the attention back on itself, or will the power of Google, with search and Youtube in its locker to name just a few, prevail?

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