The IT World – What To Expect in 2013
The world of technology is one of the fastest moving and evolving of all industries out there, just think it has taken […]
Comet Heading Into Administration, Is The Internet The Reason?
A long term staple of the British high street, electronics retailer Comet could soon be no more after it was confirmed that […]
Latest version of Mozilla Firefox = Potential Threat
Mozilla have released a press release stating their latest version of FireFox (Version 16) has been pulled from the shelves as it […]
Don’t forget to renew your Domain Name…
For many people reading this – forgetting to renew your domain name is like forgetting to breathe. It’s probably not going to […]
Want to work for
Well we are looking for a new member of our team 🙂 Intermediate Website Development & Design We are looking for an […]
Clearing your Cache? CTRL and F5? What?
We often tell customers to press CTRL and F5 when they are not seeing the latest version of their site, many people […]
Web Design Mansfield | Digital or Dijitul?
Website Design Mansfield | Digital Mansfield | Di – ji – tul Hello – we are dijitul. We are a Mansfield based […]
Twitter now experiencing problems
All day we have had issues with Google Talk and it now appears that Twitter are themselves having technical difficulties. Our correspondent […]
Google Talk restored for most users
Within the last thirty minutes we have started to see some Google Talk activity and can report that the Dijitul office is […]
Facebook, Google, eBay and Amazon join forces
What happens when you take four of the biggest internet companies in history and join them all together behind the same cause? […]
GTalk outage – Google Talk is down
It appears that the famous Gtalk which is run by Google is experiencing an outage across the world this morning. Reports are flooding […]
Is your website Cookie Compliant?
Since the dawn of the modern internet, websites have used tiny little pieces of information stored in “Cookies” on your computer to […]