BlogArchiveWifi Technology Coming To Mansfield Town Centre

Wifi Technology Coming To Mansfield Town Centre

Mansfield WiFi

Free WiFI for Mansfield Notts

Mansfield town centre is to be thrust to the forefront of the technological revolution as the “next generation” of retail technology is on its way after the town managed to secure funding for one of the largest free public WiFi hotspots in all of the UK.

A £37,000 cash pot raised through numerous outlets will not only see wide ranging free WiFi, but also interactive advertising displays, card payment facilities on market stalls and high tech “virtual mirrors” around clothing shops which will use state of the art technology to allow shoppers to see what they look like in certain items of clothing, and even buy them when the store itself is closed!

Local business owners and Councillors alike are hoping that these exciting new installations will increase tourism and the number of shoppers coming to the area, and it looks like they could well provide a fantastic economic boost to any businesses who are ready and prepared for all of the benefits a WiFi connected shopping area can bring.

With free public WiFi available, more and more shoppers are going to be searching, status updating and tweeting on their journeys around the town centre, so if you don’t have a website and a presence on the right social media platforms, then you could be missing out big time!

Imagine being able to tweet out special offers to customers who could be walking just yards from your shop, or coming up top of Google when someone walking around the town is searching for a shop that sells the exact product you specialise in, if you’re switched on and ready, then your Mansfield based business could benefit hugely from a wireless town centre.

So, business owners of Mansfield and even further afield, ensure that your business is ready and waiting to take full advantage of a more high tech high street in the very near future! For more information regarding taking your business online or making the most of your online marketing campaign, then be sure to get in touch with the Dijitul Web Development & SEO team today on 01623 650333.

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