BlogArchiveDon’t forget to renew your Domain Name…

Don’t forget to renew your Domain Name…

what should you do to ensure you never lose a domain name?For many people reading this – forgetting to renew your domain name is like forgetting to breathe. It’s probably not going to happen.

However, some of us are busy people and potentially have domain names littered about the Internet in different domain name registrar control panels – I can think of about four domain names I’ve never used (but have plans for) that are with a registrar other than my main one.

So, what should you do to ensure you never lose a domain name?

The simple solution would be to move them all into one place and ensure you have notifications enabled, but this can sometimes (depending on registrar) be a total nightmare! The volume of emails some people get can mean you miss renewal reminders, and don’t notice anything wrong until Monday morning and none of your emails work, your website is down and you have people calling you asking you what the problem is as they want to buy something!

By far the best and most reliable way of ensuring you NEVER have this problem, is to hand over control of your domain name to a company like us – we can manage it, renew it and all you will get is an invoice each time. As we develop websites, host them, do the marketing (write the theme tune, sing the theme tune…) it makes sense to have all your eggs in one basket and let us look after everything rather than have to scrap about at the last minute trying to find details of some company you used 2/3 years ago to buy a cheap name with.

Move your website, domain name and everything else internet based to one web design company and never have to worry about losing your name, ever again.

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