BlogAdviceThe IT World – What To Expect in 2013

The IT World – What To Expect in 2013

IT World 2013The world of technology is one of the fastest moving and evolving of all industries out there, just think it has taken over 100 years for the production car to go from its beginnings to the modern day equivalents we see now, yet the common public internet has undergone perhaps even more changes in little more than two decades, and it continues to change every single day, effecting how we do everything from work, to shop and play, but what does the next year hold when it comes to IT?

Well to put things at their simplest possible level, its looking like “more of the same” in terms of, more development and more focus on IT as the economy becomes more and more reliant on the computer and the world wide web to drive it forward through what has been a tough few years, but whilst the high street continues to falter and stumble, expect more and more businesses to turn to IT to try and grow themselves, whether it be through eCommerce, or simply turning to IT systems to improve efficiency, any business that still focuses on high street trading and hand written documents are putting themselves at a serious disadvantage!

Not only will 2013 see more and more businesses turning to IT, but also those who are already, or have for a few years had some form of online presence, taking it to the next level, for example, via the wonders of social media and cloud computing. Firstly, the social media side of things, which has been growing for years now, continues to expand at a phenomenal rate, Facebook and Twitter alone are massive marketing tools these days, and its becoming a more and more rare sight when you find a company website which does not have links to some sort of social media profile that the business owns, as they try and stay more switched on and more connected to customers than ever before.

Cloud computing on the other hand is one of those buzz words that you will have probably been hearing a lot about recently, but not really had much hands on experience with, however you should expect that to change in 2013 as workplaces try to optimise and streamline the IT side of their business, which is where the cloud comes in. Put simply, cloud computing is using IT related services, delivered over a large network and saved “online” on a remote server, basically meaning that you can access your work from a wide array of devices, and easily share it with others in your department or other workplaces, rather than having different resources and documents spread across several, individual, traditional “desktops” – therefore making it available to all and making the process much more simple.

Now, think what you will of the above points, I’m sure some of you will have strong feelings about how much you feel they may or may not apply to your business, but my final point underlines the importance of all of the above, and that is that in 2013, customers – or potential customers – will be expecting much more of your IT services. The general public, your potential customers, are much more switched on than ever before, a company with an online presence is a minimum these days, even if you’ve spent years trading from the high street, if you don’t have a good quality website, with an active social media presence, then you’re going to lose valuable ground to competitors, and in turn, end up losing money, which no one can afford to do in the current economic climate!

So, think to yourself, is your company ready for the IT evolutions set to take place in 2013? Do you have a good quality website design? Is your online marketing campaign suitable and strong enough, and do you have the right quality IT support to ensure that you don’t suffer the technical problems that can ultimately lose you valuable customers?

For more information regarding the IT world in 2013, and how you can prepare your company for the present and future, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the friendly team today on 01623 650333 and see how we can help you on your way.

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