Domain Registration Begins

.xxx Domain Registration Begins

Registration has officially opened for the chance to secure your website one of the brand new .xxx domain suffixes which go live next year.

The .xxx domain has been created with the intention of building a so called ‘red light district’ of the internet, where websites with adult content can all be, making it easier for those wanting it, to find it, and those not wanting to, to avoid it.

‘ICM registry’ who are overseeing the launch say that they hope the new domain will lead to a more ‘responsible approach to adult content’.

The .xxx domain will not be compulsory for adult websites and they will be allowed to decide for themselves whether or not they apply, however ICM have also that they will be working with security firm McAfee to ensure that none of the sites harbour malware or other cyber related threats, making them a much safer place for people to visit.

It is also possible for people and businesses to have their name blocked from being used with the .xxx domain, so as to avoid people trying to associate them with adult content – a free between $150 and $200 (£100-£200) has to be paid for this.

We don’t tend to deal with adult websites in our day to day activities here at Dijitul, however, with it being such a huge part of the internet, and formerly the biggest online pastime (only being displaced by the rise of Facebook and Twitter)  a change of such proportions cannot be ignored, and could have quite an impact on the landscape of the internet.

For more information regarding anything web related, from design to SEO, please call the Web Design team today on 01623 650333 and see what we can do for you.

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