BlogNewsShiny new server

Shiny new server

Web Hosting Mansfield

Hello – as mentioned in my previous blog post, one of the first major things I wanted us to focus on in 2024 was moving our hosted websites over to a brand new, modern hosting environment.

We have been a mansfield web host for over twenty years, and during that time we have used various servers and a few different data centers. Keeping things up to date and fresh is important in the world of web hosting, as operating systems and modules can become exploitable as time passes, and hackers find holes and bugs in code used to make up these systems. We always like to stay out in front of this by keeping our systems fresh.

It’s also important to keep things updated from a hardware point of view as well, ensuring there is enough RAM and the CPU and disk space are sufficient for the needs of the hosted websites. As a server fills up, these resources get stretched and then things can start getting slow and laggy.

We have moved over to a brand new infrastructure that takes all these things into consideration, we have ample resources for our current hosted customers and we have unlimited upgrade options for when we need more capacity as our hosting clients increase.

It’s often thought we provide our web hosting in mansfield itself, when in actual fact our servers are located in the south of the UK in enterprise level, world-class data centres that are not only cutting edge technology, but they are also carbon neutral – meaning they are the best choice for people who need to host websites, but also the best choice for the planet too! It’s worth noting that you must always host your website in the country you are aiming your products or services at – as if not, your SEO will be affected and you will hold your own marketing efforts back!

Due to our upgrades and hosting push, we are offering any new hosting customers a like-for-like offer, whereby we will match or BEAT any like-for-like hosting cost from any provider, anywhere in the world!

Our web hosting service includes;

  • Unlimited POP3/IMAP emails with all hosting accounts and dont charge more for them
  • FREE Website SSL’s forever (while you host your website(s) with us, anyway)
  • FREE WordPress Updates to plugins, themes and the core.
  • DAILY off-site premium backups
  • Advanced DNS management and protection
  • FREE Migraitons over to our server

We have hosted websites for over twenty years and have evolved our web hosting offering to be more than just file storage. We provide a service that allows you to relax in the knowledge your website, emails and web presence are safe and secure.

Contact us today or schedule a call with our director so we can discuss your hosting requirements in more detail.

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