BlogArchiveServer Migration

Server Migration

Hello, we’ve recently moved all our client websites to a shiny new server, and we;ve moved all our own websites to a different shiny new server.

We’ve done this as we are always testing things, experimenting and trying out new methods, some of which can mean server reboots – and that’s no good for our lovely customers!

transformersWe we have gone and purchased 2 x Servers @ Intel I7 Quad Core 2.4ghz, 8gb RAM, 2 x TB HDD… Oh yes!

The client one is called OptimusPrime, and the dijitul one is called Megatron – we’re all geeks at heart 🙂

Every site has been moved, all DNS updated and everything should now be bob on – however if you experience any issues with;

  • Loss of email
  • Loss of website updates
  • Random errors appearing

Then please head on over to our support helpdesk, or if its during 9-5 – call 01623 650333 and we’ll fix any problems and squash any bugs we find 🙂

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