BlogArchiveA Quarter Of Young People ‘Bored’ With Social Media

A Quarter Of Young People ‘Bored’ With Social Media

New statistics have shown that around 25% of 18-29 year olds claim to be using social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter less than when they started due to ‘boredom’ with the ‘superficial’ friends and concerns about privacy concerns that the networking brings.

In a stark contrast however, users of other age demographics showed a renewed enthusiasm for the services on offer, with one in three claiming to use social networking websites more now than ever before.

A rather surprising statistic across the board however was that a majority of social media users were usually ‘passive’ on the site, actually interacting on average around once a month, instead spending a majority of the time viewing profiles, comments and most of all, peoples photos.

These statistics show that social media is still a fantastic marketing platform for you and your business to use, its still adding to its already huge popularity levels, and most people are spending their time searching, meaning your pages are bound to be found!

For more information regarding social media marketing, please call the team at dijitul today on 01623 650333 and see what we can do for you.

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