BlogArchivePM Urged To Back Copyright Shake Up

PM Urged To Back Copyright Shake Up

Prime Minister David Cameron has been urged to put his full backing behind a potential shake-up of Britain’s copyright laws. A report, which the PM announced himself, is expected to suggest that Britain should launch an ‘online copyright shop’, but will warn that it will ‘be very difficult to implement’ and will require full government backing.

The ‘online copyright shop’ would be a place where all music, television and film could be cleared for use, and paid for properly, therefore giving the owner their royalties and opening up their content for use by others – The Financial Times believe the move could “turn the UK into a global hub for innovative digital content companies, such as music, film and video games”. This will please David Cameron, following his comments of wanting to turn East London into ‘Tech City’.

The review of copyright laws was announced by Mr Cameron, claiming they were ‘not open enough to innovation’, quoting the founders of search engine giant Google saying they “ have said they could never have started their company in Britain”.

If these copyright changes are to be followed through and fully backed by the government in such a fashion that it is rigorously implemented, it will be very interesting to see how it changes the world of digital marketing, providing advertisers with a huge range of pre made well known content to use.

If you would like to further discuss anything digital marketing related, then please call our friendly team on 01623 650333.

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