BlogArchiveNew VQMOD for Opencart – Affiliate Banners

New VQMOD for Opencart – Affiliate Banners

We’ve launched a new VQMOD for Opencart today called Affiliate Banners

One of the nice features of Opencart’s Affiliate scheme is that it allows users signing up as affiliates to get a unique tracking code that they can to the links in their own websites when promoting products. It’s a good feature but because the web is a very visual space it can be quite fiddly for anyone who wants to promote an Opencart product or service on their own website is they don’t know how to add tracking codes to links with the code of their site.

With this VQMOD, after a quick and easy installation affiliate users of your Opencart site can be offered three basic images banners with their associated html with the tracking code all ready for them to go. All a user would have to do is copy the code the Opencart site generates and paste it in to their own site. Hey Presto. Their promoting services and products from an Opencart site without the fuss.

The mod as a free download and can be grabbed from the extensions section on OpenCart here >


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