BlogArchiveMicrosoft Issue IE Warning

Microsoft Issue IE Warning

Microsoft have issued a ‘critical’ warning over a newly discovered flaw in Windows. The flaw in question is a loophole which can fool users in to downloading malicious content.

This issue, despite being a windows error, does only effect users of the browser ‘Internet Explorer’, however as IE is the most popular internet browser in the world, and reportedly every user is possibly at risk, that leaves around 900 million people open to viruses and other such malicious activity.

Here at Dijitul we do not use IE so are not at risk outselves, however our websites are all IE friendly and we know a lot of people and clients who use it themselves. Microsoft have released a temporary ‘Fix It’ security patch which they are advising everyone to download, however with so many users of the browser, its going to be hard to protect everyone.

The malicious content in question is thought to be able to be used by hackers to steal personal information, be it bank details, passwords, or website logins. We are urging everyone to be careful when using Internet Explorer, and do not click any untrusted links or downloads.

We provide secure web design which will keep you and your websites contents safe from potential online hazards, for more information on web design, or concerns surrounding your websites security, please call 01623 650333

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