BlogArchiveMicrosoft Complete Skype Purchase

Microsoft Complete Skype Purchase

Following reports on Friday regarding the possibility of a takeover of internet phone service ‘Skype’, computing giant Microsoft have officially agreed terms on the purchase, making it their largest acquisition ever.

The deal, worth an estimated $8.5bn (£5.3bn) has been met with concern by some critics, as, although the price tag is still relatively small money for the company thought to be valued at around $80bn, , but rather than they have paid such a large amount for a company which has so far failed to make much profit throughout its 8 year existence.

Despite this however, Microsoft have brought themselves access to Skype’s estimated 600million strong base of customers, and a software which they could have some big plans for in the future.

Early speculation regarding Microsofts future plans for the service includes improved video conferencing services, integration with Xbox Kinect, inclusion in the future ‘Windows 8’ operating system, and a tool to help them in the tablet PC market – whichever way it goes, its going to be interesting.

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