Keeping your website up to date.

The COVID pandemic has changed the world, in some ways for good, in other ways for bad – but one thing remains true – no one likes an out of date website.

And as the world wakes up and starts to venture outside again and start make plans, many of your businesses will be under scrutiny as people look for new suppliers and tradesmen to complete projects and take on new work for new and existing ventures.

Are you even in business?

People will make a snap judgement about whether or not to use their valuable time and call you over and above another similar business – they will factor the following things into their 5 second decision…

  1. Are you active? Blog and Social media etc? – If your latest blog post is 2 years old… well…
  2. Do they trust your company? – Trust is the most important thing in pretty much every aspect of life. Choosing suppliers and/or tradesmen/vendors is no different.
  3. Who are you? – Can they actually see the faces of the people they might be working with? People buy from people.

Do you even have time?

Running a business is tough – there are many things to do outside of the core business you do. Here are the top 3 reasons people give me when I spot their website is very out of date

  • We dont have time – Yes, you do. It takes minutes, or you can do them at a weekend and schedule them to be posted throughout the week. No excuses.
  • We’re busy enough, anyway – Maybe now, but I have seen far too many situations where enquiries and/or sales dry up for a business as they became complacent with their website and the leads it organically brings in.
  • No one even reads those things! – You would be surprised. Also, its not always about the quality of the articles – its showing your potential customers your door is open and the phone will be answered if you call it.

COVID caused lots of businesses to close

So, now it’s more important than ever to show people you are still here. Keeping your reviews up to date and managed – website updates, social media, Google places listings – etc etc….

Many, many things to keep up-to-date – but fear not, dijitul can help.

We have launched a Local Listing Management service, where we can keep on top of everything “Local” for you, online – from £49 + VAT per month.

Head to our contact page, or click here to schedule a call with Olly to talk about how we can help you keep on top of your local online presence.

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