BlogArchiveGoogle’s Government Relationship Questioned

Google’s Government Relationship Questioned

Search giant Google’s relationship with the British government has been called into question following a freedom of information act which showed the company had secured more than 20 meetings with senior politicians over the last year.

They reportedly met prime minister David Cameron, chancellor George Osbourne, and a whole host of downing street advisor’s amongst others, meanwhile communications minister Ed Vaizey confirmed that he had helped MP for Bedfordshire Nadine Dorries secure a meeting with the company to discuss removing a website which questioned her competency as an MP.

It is already known that Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt is an advisor to the British government on business, however these meetings have thrown up many a question with the conspiracist’s and sceptics across the technology world.

MP’s asking for websites to be removed, Google pressing the government to adjust its intellectual property laws, and Google seemingly being so friendlywith the government depsite the fact they reportedly have £3billion in unpaid UK taxes, has to raise an eyebrow or two…I’m not saying that David Cameron has some form of influence on the SERP’s…but its just something to keep an eye on.

For more information about anything Google related please call the Dijitul SEO Team on 01623 650333.

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