BlogArchiveGoogle Uncover Search Hijack Virus

Google Uncover Search Hijack Virus

Search giant Google have discovered a virus which apparently hijacks peoples searches and takes them to a website from which the cyber criminals behind the virus will make money for the traffic.

The reported virus has apparently made its way on to 1million computers worldwide, and according to Google security engineer Damian Menscher, the malware will have most likely found its way onto these computers through fake anti-virus software or ‘scareware’, telling people their computer is infected and they need to download it, but once installed, the hijacking virus then has control of the computer.

Google have plans to warn the people who are infected by providing them with a yellow banner at the top of their Google search results, informing them of the infection and encouraging them to remove it.

This is the latest in a line of fight backs from internet companies to  counteract spammers and cyber criminals, Microsoft legally had the world’s biggest source of spam shut down, whilst Virgin Media and Talk Talk have also implemented systems to tell their broadband users when their computer is infected.

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