BlogGoogleGoogle Testing ‘Cleaner’ Layout

Google Testing ‘Cleaner’ Layout

Search engine giant Google are reportedly testing a new layout for their results pages which has been described as ‘cleaner’ and ‘fresh’.

Pictures circulating around the internet show that the new layout will feature just one single column, the current search filter sidebars will now be at the top of the results – presumably following you down the page as you scroll – and the whole results page is generally more clear and open, with plenty of whitespace.

The pictures also seem to show that – rather annoyingly – the ‘cached’ button which allows you to view the most recently cached version of the website you’re clickin on has been removed, with the +1 button the lone extra.

One final obvious change, is that to keep in tact with the almost clinical whiteness of the new look SERP’s (search engine results pages), the iconic 10 O ‘Goooooooooogle’ footer which is used to select different pages of the results, has been replaced with a simple selection of numbers

This is the latest in what seems to be daily changes with Google as they try to remain fresh and in control of all of their avenues of interest throughout the internet world – in fact we reported of changes yesterday both here and on the SEO blog – and for the time being, they remain to lead the search market indefinitely.

For more information regarding SEO or anything Google related, please call the SEO Nottingham team on 01623 650333.

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