BlogArchiveGoogle Target Twitter Takeover

Google Target Twitter Takeover

It has become apparent over the last few months that search engine giant Google have had offers in the Billions of US Dollars to purchase social networking platform ‘Twitter’ rejected by its founders.

With the emergence, and then international takeover of social networking leader ‘Facebook’ over the last few years, Google have become slightly wary of the way in which peoples internet usage habits are changing, with everything becoming much more social – an area where Google is generally lacking.

Despite being the worlds largest and most popular search engine, along with owning popular companies such as ‘Youtube’ Google are missing the social media piece of the puzzle which already covers search, video sharing and advertising, but without the social networking platform to work on, they are losing out large amounts of traffic and revenue.

Google have already begun to incorporate ‘Tweets’ into their search results, possibly as a show of what they could do with full control of Twitter. However, with Google’s huge warchest of funds and the companies new goal of purchasing a new company every month, it is hard to see Twitter staying out of the hands of Google for much longer.

Could this lead to one of the biggest internet wars of all time? With a popular social media website in their arsenal in Twitter, Google could then continue to assert themselves as the ‘complete’ web company, and lead them into a direct competition with Facebook and their 500 million strong army of users. Whatever happens, it could change the landscape of the internet forever!

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