BlogArchiveGoogle strikes again

Google strikes again

Search engine, and pretty much everything else giant, Google, have continued their campaign to be unholy gods of the internet…or something like that, with their newest acquisition, and their 4th UK purchase in the last 12 months.

Following the purchases of art identification search engine PlinkArt, music software Simplify Media and speech synthesis software Phonetic Arts, they have now added price comparison website for around £37million.

With the range in industries obvious in just those 4 businesses alone, it is very clear that Google are planning to be the dominant force in every single aspect of the web and technology, and they have the money and resources to do so.

With them already the focal point for all digital marketing and SEO techniques, and dominating the search market, it will be very interesting to see where Google go next, and whether they can tighten their stranglehold on the internet.


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