BlogArchiveGoogle Social Search Goes Global

Google Social Search Goes Global

Back in October 2009,  Google launched their ‘Social Search’ service, which provided the signed in searchers to view connections and news from their social media outlets such as Facebook, and now, the service has been stretched out over 19 more countries in an attempt to expand dominance in the search engine market, along with further challenging Facebook in the land of social networking.

This move follows news earlier this week that Google’s main competitor in the search market, Microsoft’s ‘Bing’ had  introduced a deeper integration with Facebook, allowing signed in users to view what their friends have viewed and liked on the search engines results pages.

This also comes following the revelations that Facebook ran a smear campaign against Google, dropping several malicious stories surrounding Google privacy issues – issues which were addressed by Google CEO Eric Schmidt yesterday.

Whether these new integrations with social networking and search will make a difference in the market share remains to be seen, however one thing is for sure, the battle is hotting up.

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