BlogArchiveGoogle Profits Rise

Google Profits Rise

Search giant Google have announced that they have made a large gain in profits over the past few months, greatly exceeding market expectations.

Net profit for the 3 months leading up to June were up 36% on last year, taking it to a huge $2.5bn (£1.5bn), whilst overall revenues rose 32% to $9bn (£5.5bn).

These statistics were the first since Larry Page took control as chief executive once again, and these fantastic figures, along with the successful launch of Google+ will certainly reassure investors that the search giant is heading in the right direction under his leadership.

As mentioned 2 days ago, the new social network has attracted over 10million users already, and whilst it will take a huge effort for them to come anywhere near the monumental popularity of Facebook, all is looking rosy in the Google camp at the moment.

Chief Exectutive Larry Page said “We had a great quarter,” said Mr Page. “I’m super excited about the amazing response to Google+.”

For more information regarding Google+ and social media marketing, please get in touch with the Dijitul team today on 01623 650333.

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