BlogArchiveGoogle Product Search/Base Changes September 2011

Google Product Search/Base Changes September 2011

We tend to look after the Google Base feeds for our clients – this way we can ensure the feeds go on OK, and if there are any issues we can sort them out there and then.

This morning we got an email from the big G regarding changes that are coming in the next few months, and if you don’t adhere to the changes your feeds will be suspended and you wont get traffic from google product search any more!

The changes they are putting forward are to improve the google product service, by expanding the required attributes for each product – meaning they now require more info on each product which can only be a good thin for the public who use the service.

Detailed info on the new/adjusted requirements can be found here.

Most pre-made eCommerce software should be updated to include these new requirements, please contact your web developers or if you bought the software yourself contact the software author – there could be charges incurred if your site is very customised.

If you are not a customer, but need help getting your eCommerce platform up to spec in regards these new google base requirements then contact our eCommerce development team on 0845 050 2045 or click here to email us.

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