BlogArchiveGoogle Given Privacy ‘To-Do’ List

Google Given Privacy ‘To-Do’ List

Search giant Google has been given a ‘To-Do’ list by the UK information commissioner to improve their privacy issues.

Google had promised reforms of their privacy last year after it emerged that the Google maps street view cars had collected large amounts of personal information from peoples Wi-Fi connections.

The commision did have praise for Google, saying that things had improved, including improved staff training and a ‘Privacy Design Document (PDD)’ being given to engineers working on all new projects, however more still needs to be done.

The commission stated that the PDD should be rolled out across all Google staff, and that more educational videos should be put together for users to understand about data and information usage across different Google products, to give them a clearer view of how much privacy they will get.

Google themselves have welcomed the suggestions, with ‘director of privacy, product and engineering’ Alma Whitten saying in a blog post  “We know that there is no perfect solution, so we will continue to improve our current processes and develop new ones so that privacy awareness grows and evolves alongside Google. “

Even as they continue to work on privacy issues, there is no doubt that Google remain ‘top dog when it comes to the search market, as their domination continues, and they remain to be the number one place to get your website seen.

For more information about Google or anything SEO related, please call the friendly dijitul team today on 0845 050 2045.

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