BlogArchiveGoogle Go Patent Shopping

Google Go Patent Shopping

Google have once again done the thing that competitors all fear, and are aiming to ‘flash the cash’  once again. They have reportedly bid $900million for the patent portfolio of Nortel Networks, a bankrupt Canadian telemarketing equipment maker.

Google hope that acquiring this patent will help protect them against future lawsuits against their Chrome internet browser and Android operating systems, however, it is thought that the bidding for this patent alone could escalate toward $2billion.

These patents in particular are thought to be quite lucrative, allowing the eventual winner access to future wired, wireless and digital communication technology. There is however, always fierce competition between companies when a patent of this type becomes available, with others such as Apple, Microsoft, HTC and Nokia all embroiled in lawsuits regarding patents.

Despite their position as technology and search giants, Google have relatively few patents in comparison to its main rivals, the United States Patent and Trademark Office lists Google as holding around 630 patents, while Apple has over 3,800 and Microsoft has about 18,000.

With the patent wars and lawsuits becoming larger and more frequent all the while, it will be interesting to see who can make the next bit technological step without being embroiled in a court case.

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