BlogArchiveGoogle release block results option

Google release block results option

Search engine giant Google have unveiled the newest update to their search engine results, one which allows the user to further personalise their results and what they see.

Everyone has had the experience of  searching for something, clicking a result only for it to be a poor, low quality site which seems to have no relevance whatsoever to your search, yet has still somehow made it onto the SERP.

However, this new update now sees the ability to block all pages from a specific website from showing up in any of your searches, meaning you can filter out the less useful or ‘spammy’ websites. Once you have clicked on a result, if you find it to be something you never wish to see again, you may simply click back to the results, where there will be an option to ‘block all results’ from that website.

This service is only available to people signed in to Google, however it could have a large impact on the SERP’s as Google look to shake things up again, and ensure that websites provide the best content possible.

For more information on Google, SEO, Web Design or anything internet related, give our friendly team a call on 01623 650333.

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