BlogArchiveGoogle To Aid Dengue Fever Fight

Google To Aid Dengue Fever Fight

Recent news and allegations have not painted search engine giant Google in the best of lights, with numerous lawsuits and privacy issues arising, however, they do try to do their bit of good in the world.

Using a new tool which picks up on search trends, they are aiming to put together a ‘forecast’ of possible ‘Dengue Fever’ outbreaks throughout several countries. In a similar way to what they did during the 2009 global flu outbreak,  the tool will pick up on the trends in searches regarding the disease, such as possible symptoms and treatments, and then ‘paint a picture’ of the potential of a possible Dengue Fever outbreak in Brazil, Bolivia, India, Indonesia and Singapore – to help the WHO (world health organisation) hopefully stay one step ahead of epidemics.

It may not quite be donating their billions to fight the disease, but say what you will about Google – at least they’re trying to look friendly!

For more information regarding anything Google or search related, then please call our friendly Online Marketing team on 01623 650333.

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