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Facebook New Privacy Options

Social networking giant Facebook have unveiled major plans to change the way privacy is dealt with on the website.

One of the long term criticisms of Facebook has been its lack of privacy, with any settings off hidden away behind countless obscure menus and options, however this move will apparently change that.

The new privacy plans include the ability for users to remove themselves from images they are tagged in, reject being tagged in pictures, and the ability to set individual privacy settings for each post they make, allowing them to control who can see it – friends only, public, etc.

It is hoped that the new tagging options can help reduce cyber bullying – preventing people from being tagged in abusive images – and also encourage more people to use the website openly, without fear of someone seeing a post you would rather them not.

Facebook Vice President of Product Chris Cox denied reports that these new steps were made to allow them to start accepting members under the age of 13 – something which founder Mark Zuckerberg has said he wants to do – but simply to update a privacy policy he thought was already good.

These new settings are set to be rolled out across the site on Thursday the 25th of August, and may well give Facebook a big boost, allaying many of the primary fears people have about using the site.

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