BlogArchiveeCommerce officially rocks

eCommerce officially rocks

Following a busy week in the Dijitul office, overseeing our Web Designer building a new eCommerce store it has dawned on me just how amazing some of the eCommerce features are. We are currently working on a new urban clothing online shop which is looking totally awesome and have been amazed to see the kind of things you can now do with an eCommerce installation.

We build websites most days, we do alot of eCommerce in Nottingham and have recently started developing our own plug ins for the sites and platforms we use. It has shocked me just how much certain industries are missing out on. There are so many amazing add ons for Cubecart that make the users experience so much better.

Keep your eyes peeled on the dijitul blog for the launch of this sexy, grungy, urban looking online shop, its gonna make a huge impact on the extreme sports world 🙂

This is one that we are all very excited about…..

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