BlogArchiveCubecart Mods & Development

Cubecart Mods & Development

Cubecart is one of the most popular shopping carts on the market and is something we have worked with for the past few years. After using Cubecart to its fullest and working with a number of different businesses we have found that despite its excellent features there is room for improvement.

Normally, for most users Cubecart works straight from the box and can be easily customised and styled to suit any industry. However, this is not always the case for some businesses and we have found that every one in ten people will ask for something a little more custom.

Luckily, thanks to a new member of the team who specialises in eCommerce and php development, Dijitul can now offer a range of Cubecart Mods to our new and existing Cubecart users.

With our expert php knowledge, we can practically make a Cubecart Mod do anything you wish.

Please get in touch and tell us exactly what you need and we will get back to you within a few hours.

2 thoughts on “Cubecart Mods & Development

  1. Hello, I need a lot of custom work on my already havily modified cube cart 3.18. Actually, think of it as a custom CMS which is based on cubecart. Are you the right company to talk to?

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