BlogArchiveCourts May Target Twitter

Courts May Target Twitter

Twitters decision to open an office in the UK could leave it vulnerable to prosecution over what its users write, according to top lawyers.

The micro-blogging social networking site – which is thought to have over 200million users – has been at the centre of controversy with the high court in regards to the use of ‘super-injunctions’ which several celebrities have used recently to cover up discretions in their personal life.

These injunctions are put in place to make it illegal for the press such as newspapers or websites to name the specific celebrity, whether or not they know who it is. This has, however, not stopped Twitter users from using the power of the internet to repeatedly name the high profile footballer who had taken out one of these injunctions – something which has angered him, and the courts.

However, with the San Francisco companies decision to open up an office in London, it is thought they will be much more susceptible to English laws and open to prosecution for what their users say.

What moves will be taken against Twitter remain to be seen, however, will court sanctions and legal action be able to silence the millions who use Twitter and the internet as the playground of free speech? Not without a rightful backlash.

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