Choose your digital agency carefully

I think i’ve written 100 blog posts similar to this over the years, but I am always compelled to do so when a marketing or web customer we are working for tells me a story about another agency that is doing work for them, and tells me about some huge mistake they’ve made – and apart from shaking my head in disbelief, the only other thing I can think to do is write a blog about it!
We had a client recently that had a website made via someone else (we just did marketing for them) and the new website went live with entirely new URLs and zero redirects in place. To make matters worse, the old website couldn’t be put back in place while the mess was sorted out.
Luckily, we managed to help them get a list of the old URLs so they could put some redirects in and get things back on track.
And then more recently we have taken on a new local SEO client, we already did the customers website work and he was unhappy with his current SEO provider, so he reached out to us and we made a plan and shook hands.
I reached out to his old SEO agency so I could get access to Google Analytics and Google Search Console etc. Unfortunately, the previous agency had not been using any of these services, but lied initially stating “there would be no point in adding dijitul to your Analytics, as i’ve removed myself already”. For starters, this doesn’t even make sense, but more importantly there was no analytics code in the website, and no analytics account gathering data. How can we be added to something that doesn’t exist?
Conclusion: Its so hard to know if a company is going to do what they say they’re gonna do, my only advice here would be to perhaps ask your friends for recommendations if you are looking for a website or any form of digital marketing. If some of your friends have used a company and had good results, then chances are they’ll do good work for you too.