BlogArchiveBritain’s Internet Relationship

Britain’s Internet Relationship

A recent ‘Innovation Index Project’ to find British peoples favourite and least favourite innovations of the last 10 years has brought up some interesting results – alongside the predictable.

Every day pains such as the congestion charge and automated call centres are obvious inclusions on the 10 most hated innovations list, however, there are some very interesting internet related conclusions which have gotten us talking here at Dijitul.

The widespread availability of home broadband emerged victorious, top of the list, as Britain’s favourite innovation of the millennium so far. In fact the internet had a large presence in the top 10, with safe e-commerce / online shopping coming in second place, and search engine giant Google in third, online price comparison websites came in 6th.

So surely this underlines that Britain is in love with the internet and all on board with the technological revolution we are undergoing? You would think, but the 10 least popular innovations brings up some rather contradictory results.

Despite the internet being the most popular innovation of the last 10 years, and Facebook being the worlds most popular website, Facebook was surprisingly voted as the 2nd most hated innovation, the internet also filled spots two and three, with pop-up advertising in 3rd and another hugely popular website, Twitter, in 4th.

Very interesting, and slightly odd, results indeed, the internet is the most popular thing, but the most popular things on the internet are actually the least popular?

Maybe the British people prefer websites that simply let them do something easier or more practically such as shopping and searching, rather than reading about farmville and the incredibly mundane things their best friends cousin gets up to?

Either way, one thing is for sure, the internet is a huge part of modern life in this country, and is definitely here to stay.

The Full List Can Be Seen Below:

The innovations of that have contributed the most to Britain in the last 10 years

1. Home broadband
2. Online shopping
3. Google
4. Chip and Pin
5. Digital cameras/photography
6. Online comparison sites
7. Community Recycling
8. Health labelling on foods (e.g. traffic lights)
9. Low-cost air travel
10. Consumer GPS/Sat-Nav

The innovations of that have contributed the least to Britain in the last 10 years

1. Reality TV
2. Facebook and similar
3. Pop-up advertising
4. Twitter
5. IVR/Interactive voice response on telephones
6. Congestion charging
7. Paid-for plastic bags
8. DVD membership schemes (e.g. Lovefilm)
9. Tracker mortgages
10. Public bike schemes


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