BlogArchiveAnonymous Attack US Sheriff Websites

Anonymous Attack US Sheriff Websites

Loosely knit international hacking group Anonymous, who have in the past targeted Visa and Paypal, and been linked to ‘operation unmanifest’ surrounding Norwegian murderer Anders Behring Breivik, have claimed to have hacked around 70 United States Sheriff websites.

They are all reportedly small, rural law enforcement services, however at least one police chief has confirmed that sensitive information was stolen and leaked regarding an ongoing investigation. Officers emails, tip offs from the public, credit card details – and even pictures of teenage girls in swimsuits (which police have claimed was related to a case) are apparently among the 10gb of data which was released.

These attacks are thought to have been made in retaliation to several arrests of Anonymous supporters in the United States and Britain, and its highly unlikely you have heard the last of these crusading ‘hacktivists’.

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