BlogArchive301 Redirect – Move a site down a directory wildcard

301 Redirect – Move a site down a directory wildcard

When we build a new website for a customer we sometimes build it on their live domain, but in a sub-folder like /dev /new – then when the time comes to make the site live there is sometimes the need to put a redirect in place in case Google has cached the development URLs.

Now whenever something bakes my noodle – and no one in the office can help, I turn to Google – and from time to time the big G lets me down too.

When that happens I turn to our developer Olly, to see if he has an idea..

Once again, he saved the day 🙂

If you would like a wildcard redirect to move everything down a directory, then use the following line in your HTACCESS file;

RewriteRule ^new/(.*)$ /$1 [R=301,NC,L]

Replace new with the directory (or directories) you wish to remove from the cached URL’s

Example:, Becomes;

Or,  Becomes;

My next redirect blog post will be how to move an entire new site to a new domain, complete with wild-cards!

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