BlogNewsWinsWe’ve Moved! We Love Our New Office!

We’ve Moved! We Love Our New Office!

Not far off!

We posted about our new office being constructed in November of 2022, and we actually moved in on Christmas Eve! We had an empty shell to start with and added new windows, raised and insulated floor, insulated walls and ceiling and then had it fully plastered and professionally decorated.

Then, carpet tiles, dado trunking and then we added some trims and some new furniture. We still have some trimming to do such as round one of the windows and the new UPVC door and also a few bits of carpet to sort – but we are moved in and we are LOVING our new working space.

Most of the team work from their homes now, but we have space in the new HQ to accommodate anyone that wants to come and work from here for a change of scenery.

A big thank you to everyone that helped us get it sorted- we LOVE it! 🙂

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