BlogAdviceThe New Link Building Survey – MOZ Post

The New Link Building Survey – MOZ Post

In our first ever Dijitul Video Friday, David Duffin talks about the post on MOZ, by James Agate. The post was a survey about link building, and because of the huge role that linking building still plays in the SEO world, Olly decided to make a video, to get his thoughts about the post and link building in general in to a video, rather than a blog post. Enjoy!

Video Transcription

Hello and welcome to the first ever video Friday, today I want to talk to you about one of the surveys that was recently published on MOZ. The New link building survey 2014. Now we all know that with the notorious penguin update that Google launched a couple of years back, they were beginning to crunch down on the number of websites that were using link networks, were paying for links, or any other unnatural way of gaining backlinks to manipulate the Google SERPs.

This affected many websites rankings, and unfortunately if you had been using these methods, then you were given a penalty. Not like the one you get in Football or whatever you want to call it, soccer whatever, its not like that, its not that kind of penalty, it’s a bad thing!

Despite all of this, there was a survey carried out on the MOZ blog, on the 16th of July. In the blog post it clearly says that, companies are upping the amount that they spend on their link building. 37% of companies have upped their budget on link building to $50,000 a month, thats a huge amount of money! One thing I really want to know is, do these companies know what they’re paying for? I mean, the amount of companies that I talk to and just simply say to them ‘Do you know what SEO is?’ And they can’t tell you what it is, its amazing, that they don’t know the answer to it.

James also states in this post that, 81% of companies have upped their budget for link building, in just the last 12 months. So, why the sudden rise? Well its easy, as James says you can pay a cheap SEO company to do your link building, and just get a ton of links that mean nothing to anything, or you can pay a good quality SEO company to, actually get you links that mean something, and are quality and will help your website, instead of just having a thousand links that mean nothing to your website.

It’s a good thing really, for companies and people that really care about quality links and not just a number of links. As James says in the post, good links are just as important as ever, links still move the needle in search engine visibility and performance, therefore it makes sense to increase investment in this area, I couldn’t agree more there James. This is something that Dijitul, that we have been committed to since the company started back in 2006. Get good links and simply build your company the correct way. You’ll start to see higher authority and then other companies will start linking to your content, and link building will become so much easier, because you’ve done it the correct way. But don’t just call up your company and say, ‘Oh hello, can you just stop what you’re doing, and just focus completely on links please.’ Because SEO is so big that, just focusing on links won’t work, links is good but, there are other aspects of SEO. I’ll give you one tip, if your brand belongs on another website that isn’t yours, don’t be afraid to just send them an email and say, can I advertise here? Or ring them up and ask them, it’s as simple as that. Don’t be silly about this though, don’t just send an email, let me advertise on your website, be polite, talk to them about the website and about your thinking of why you should advertise on their website.

If you want to see any other links from MOZ or anything else, everything is going to be in the description of this video. The MOZ post that James has done, is right here, go click on that it’s fantastic. Have a good read through, there are some fantastic, amazing figures in there and it will teach you some stuff.

Thank you so much for watching, our first ever video Friday, here at Dijitul. I guess I’ll see you next week, goodbye.

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