BlogAdviceSEO – What’s Changing In The Next Few Months?

SEO – What’s Changing In The Next Few Months?

The world of SEO and online marketing is changing all the while, it has changed massively since we first started in the industry, and any SEO company worth their salt will constantly be learning all of the latest changes and mastering the new tactics to stay on top of things – and this is more true than ever right now as head of Google’s web spam team, and SEO guru Matt Cutts has recently released a video letting the world know what we can expect to change in SEO in the next few months.

In the video, Cutts reveals that there will be a rather significant change to the Google SERP’s (search engine results pages) in the coming months, with the most noticeable of those being the implementation of the “Penguin 2.0” update. The original Penguin update was applied last year and affected around 3.1% of all English search queries – a number that may sound small but actually equates to millions of searches – and this one is expected to continue on the work of the original but go even further. This means that more than ever, sites that are carrying out black hat SEO techniques such as link farming, keyword stuffing and cloaking are at risk and are only a few days away from being hit with a significant Google penalty.

The penguin update will also apparently see Google become much more sophisticated when it comes to weeding out bad quality links from those that genuinely add to the web – so beware, irrelevant, low quality, “just for SEO” links will be punished. These moves go alongside the fact that paid links – which have never been good – are becoming punished even further, any paid link that passes value between two sites, and that doesn’t clearly state that it was paid for, will be hunted down by Google, and both parties will be looking at their sites dropping down the rankings.

These changes are sure to have a significant affect on many websites all across the world, but in truth, they simply reiterate what anyone who carries out sensible SEO already knows, and that is that everything in the industry is about quality, not quantity. Writing masses of text with a generic keyword repeated over and over in inappropriate places, or going out and getting hundreds of links from any site that you can find is simply not the way to run a sensible and sustainable SEO project anymore – write for your audience, and build strong links with relevant, useful websites, and you are putting yourself on a sure footing for the future.

For more information regarding these upcoming changes in the SEO world, or anything related to running a successful online marketing campaign, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with the friendly Dijitul team today, who will be happy to help you on your way to online success.

Contact us by any of the following ways:
Phone – 01623 650333
Twitter – @Dijitul
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