BlogAdviceKashflow Kustomisations

Kashflow Kustomisations

See what I did there?

Kashflow KustomisationsWe’re known for flying the Kashflow flag due to how well it suits us as a business. There has been a recent acquisition of Kashflow by Iris, and a new interface has been released and is slowly being released into the wild.

Anyway, we’re aware the guys (and girls) at Kashflow as hella busy making the new interface better (lots of issues with it at the moment!) and they obviously have to prioritise the changes to the software in order of popularity. This has really caused us some problems recently as we build KashFlow into many of our projects and many of the projects we create are very bespoke, and require certain – often quite unique – features to be added to the KashFlow API which in reality are just not going to get done any time soon, as we’re often the only people that need that particular feature.

At present we’re finishing off a huge project for one of our biggest and most favorite customers and their project required a few bits adding to the Kashflow API/Software that just were not going to get done in time for this project launch, so using a bit of outside the box thinking we managed to work-around many of the issues without the need to modify things on the KashFlow side, at all.

The largest chunk of this was when we successfully got 2 x payment gateways working via Kashflow – so instead of only having one “Pay Online” button on the PDF invoices, we managed to get a secondary one on there and linked it to a magical PayPal script we made, that – once the invoice is paid – feeds back to Kashflow just like Sagepay does. Happy days!

We’ve also managed to work around many of the other issues that currently in the KashFlow API/Software – so we’re extending this service over to you.

If you use KashFlow, and you need it to do something it doesn’t – please don’t suffer in silence – contact the DIJITUL team today.

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