BlogAdviceIs your website insecure?

Is your website insecure?

I think its safe to say nearly every business has some form of web presence nowadays, but i doubt many of these businesses know how safe and secure their websites are.

Do you?

“My brothers girlfriends dad made it for me….”  is normally the kind of thing we hear during our first meeting with new clients, and upon closer inspection some of the sites our new customers come to us with are bodged together using old, unstable scripts that are potentially exposing customer info and allowing server level access to hackers and script kiddiez of the world – which means not only are you potentially exposing your own online business, you are potentially putting all the other sites on

If you are not familiar with web technologies and coding then you really should employ a company that are familiar with these scripts and technologies so that they can be on-the-case in terms of new exploit releases and can keep your site up-to-date and secure.

eCommerce is a different kettle of fish altogether as this comes with an additional layer of risk due to the fact customer information is stored and transmitted directly from the website. This isnt anything to worry about, as long as you have the correct security defences in place such as properly configured SSL certificates and a software firewall at the very least. Fortunately the eCommerce world involves payment gateways that have strictly enforced security policies and your site is usually checked

This doesn’t mean that over time your once-secure site cant become a risk to your customers – the internet evolves on a daily basis, so you need to ensure you stay up-to-date and in the loop else you may fall behind and actually be causing more harm to your online business, than good.

Contact Dijitul today and protect your online business from threats.

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