BlogAdviceGoogle To Boost Their Mobile-Friendly Algorithm This May

Google To Boost Their Mobile-Friendly Algorithm This May


News broke last night when Google announced on their webmaster blog, that they’re going to be boosting the effects of their mobile friendly algorithm they launched last year in April. This is all the more reason why your website must be mobile friendly.

Google stated on their blog that the update to their algorithm will start to take place in the beginning of May this year, with Google adding the “update to mobile search results that increases the effect of the ranking signal to help our users find even more pages that are relevant and mobile-friendly.”

Google have also said that “If you’ve already made your site mobile-friendly, you will not be impacted by this update.” Good news for businesses who’s website is already mobile friendly.

When the update happens in May, it will roll out gradually. This is because the mobile friendly algorithm is a page-by-page signal, therefore it takes time for Google to assess each page of a website, and this could explain why the new update is a gradual rollout. It is unclear as of yet how long the new rollout will last for, but will more than likely run for weeks and months.

If you want to check your website is or isn’t mobile friendly, then enter your URL in Google’s mobile-friendly tool. If your website isn’t mobile friendly, then don’t panic as here at Dijitul we can help. Simply get in touch via our contact form or call one of our friendly experts on 01623 650333.

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