BlogAdviceThe Future Of Internet Marketing

The Future Of Internet Marketing

With internet usages, e-commerce sales and social networking at an all time high its no surprise that the world of marketing is vastly changing all the while. SEO, Viral video and social media marketing should now all be high priority to any business looking to promote itself. Whilst they may still be around, it is a far cry from the marketing world of 20 years ago, where print media was still dominant force.

The marketing world is continuing to evolve at a rapid pace every day, to incorporate new and exciting ways in which brand awareness can be increased and spread around the world, and Google’s newest announcement does nothing to buck this trend. A report has claimed that following last years unsuccessful attempts by Google to sign up TV broadcasters content to their site, Google are going to invest $100m dollars into Youtube to create 20 ‘channels’ of original, showing exclusive new programmes of content every week.

This is not televisions first ‘venture’ onto the internet, with formats such as iPlayer and 4OD already available, however, a Google backed television like empire on the internet could well see one of the biggest marketing changes in history…but can even Google topple the television?

For more information regarding anything digital marketing related, call our friendly team on 01623 650333.

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