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Fuelling Digital Growth & Creating Jobs

For many years we’ve been saying that things need to change in regards to digital skills in the UK.

The economy is becoming more and more digitised, but as things stand we don’t have the future workforce to grow into these digital roles and take the country forward.

In fact it’s something that our own Olly has written about for the likes of Huffington Post and Real Business.

In truth, there are a handful of existing programmes out there that claim to provide digital advice and leadership, but they simply don’t deliver. Sitting a group of people in a room and talking at them for a day before sending them on their way is not the right way to do things.

So, after years of meetings, discussions, articles, and knocking on plenty of doors, we have taken action, and are very proud to introduce our very own programme, designed to create jobs and give relevant, digital skills to the current and future workforce. Say hello to the Digital Enhancement Programme.

What Is The Digital Enhancement Programme?

Funded by Nottinghamshire County Council, the Digital Enhancement Programme is designed to provide a fantastic opportunity to both local businesses and young people seeking training and a job.

Initially, we will be looking for six local businesses who are looking to grow online. Once we have found these businesses we shall recruit a trainee for them, who will specifically focus on improving the digital marketing of the business.

The trainees’ wages will be partly covered, and full training in a broad range of digital marketing techniques will be provided by dijitul and our team of experienced digital marketing experts, who have expertise in SEO, social media, design and  development.

By using the comprehensive training that they receive from our team, the young trainees will be able to help businesses grow online and increase visibility, leads and sales.

Once the programme is complete, each business will have the opportunity to take on their trainee into a full time role, or the trainee will be able to use their new digital skills in the modern job market which is seeing huge growth in demand for digital skills.

What The Digital Enhancement Programme is Not

To put it simply, the Digital Enhancement Programme is not like the other options out there today.

It is not a day long workshop whereby you receive a book load of notes and then go away with no idea on how to implement them.

It is also not a syllabus of outdated methods and work sheets that are irrelevant in the real world.

All training is done by experienced digital professionals working in the industry today, and all information passed on is actionable, and will pass real working knowledge.

Grow Your Business Online

If you’re a small business local to the Mansfield area, and looking to grow online, then the Digital Enhancement Programme is perfect for you.

Maybe you don’t have anyone to manage the running of your website? Perhaps you don’t have time to run your own social media channels? Or do you just want an extra pair of hands to market your brand online?

One of our trainees can do just that for you, receiving training from our experienced digital consultants, and receiving knowledge to help maximise your businesses online potential.

To take part in the Digital Enhancement Programme as an employer, all that we ask is that you do the following:

  • Provide an employer contribution of up to £500 over the six month placement – a small investment for a fantastic potential return.
  • Host the trainee placement for the duration of the programme.
  • Work with us to look at the potential to create an apprenticeship position after the programme to continue to develop your business.To apply please download the Digital Enhancement Application Form, fill it in, and return to.

Dijitul Enterprise, Suite 15 Brunts Business Centre, Samuel Brunt Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 2AH.

Alternatively, you can email your application form to