BlogAdviceCTR or CRO, What Do I Need?

CTR or CRO, What Do I Need?

CRO-VS-CTRWell, to be honest both can be just as important as each other. This is why in this post I will clarify what they both mean and how they can be beneficial to your website/company, whether you run an information website or an online shop. First up, I will describe to you just what Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is and what it consists of.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

CRO is all about getting internet users to make a purchase on your website, in the most efficient way possible. Conversion rates can fluctuate, depending on how easy your website is to use (user friendly), what I mean by this is, if your website specialises in selling products, you need to ensure customers will be able to find/search what they’re after as quick and as easy as possible, if this isn’t something you master, customers will leave your website and buy from a competitor, massively lowering your conversion rate and hurting sales.

Looking at your Google Analytics can often feel really good, when you see thousands of people visiting your website. But, this can quickly turn in to anger and frustration when you wonder why all these people are often only staying on your website for a matter of seconds and not making a purchase. If this is the case then what’s the point in ranking highly and getting all that traffic? You need to reduce bounce rate!

A look further in to your Google Analytical data can show you just where you are going wrong, you will also be able to see why these users simply aren’t making a purchase and where they are heading to instead, rather than the checkout button.

User – selecting an item on your website – adding to basket – checking out – Sale. If you can get most of your website visitors doing this procedure, you will have a very high conversion rate.

Click Through Rate

CTR consists of finding out just how many clicks you got from an email you sent out, a tweet, Facebook post, Google Ad and so on that ended up bringing traffic to your website. For example if your business relies mainly on social media marketing, then you need to be getting everyone that you’re targeting to be clicking on the link you’re providing them. Which will then hopefully lead them on to becoming a customer on your website, increasing your conversion rate and your click through rate at the same time.

Tracking your click through rate is also great way to see how effective the keywords you are targeting really are performing, you may be at the top of Google for a keyword that you thought was really important to your business, but if this leading to a small number of impressions and clicks, then this will be an indicator to try and establish yourselves in the SERPs for a different keyword/phrase. Doing this type of tracking can also help you massively when it comes to mastering your Google AdWords campaigns, you could be wasting money on an audience that just isn’t there.

The higher the click through rate of your campaign, the better!

How Can We Help?

Here at Dijitul we are able to give your website a full review and see how we can improve the overall flow of your website for the user and lead to an increased CTR and CR and overall improving your companies name and brand. If you would like us to give your website a CRO and CTR review then simply get in touch by clicking filling out the form below or give us a call today on 01623 650333.

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