BlogAdviceCommon problems Businesses face with their “digital agency”

Common problems Businesses face with their “digital agency”

The “digital” world is one which has grown massively over the past decade, and will continue to do so in well into the future. Advances in aspects of technology have lead to more and more businesses getting themselves online to grab a piece of the “pie” that is online sales and global exposure.

Just like with the offline world, marketing agencies exist to help everyday businesses outdo their competitors in the digital world and become number one in their industry, however, as the number of businesses getting online has grown, so has the number of agencies out there who are not up to scratch and simply do not offer value for money, often doing more damage than good.

It is an increasingly common feature of our days where we speak to someone who has been let down, or hung out to dry by so called online marketing or web design experts who have promised the world and achieved very little for their client.

Below is an example of what to look out for when choosing a web design or SEO company, and if the list covers what you have been promised, then you could be victim of a cowboy agency.

  • Being told “it isn’t possible” – Many companies either have a very limited skillset, or very little ambition, so will tell you something is not possible, without even trying it.
  • Secrecy – Not keeping you updated with progress or withholding information
  • Outsourcing – This is one of the biggest problems in our industry, whether it be SEO or web design, many so called “professionals” take your money for the job they are supposed to be carrying out for you, but actually outsource it to other companies for a cheaper price – often abroad! Meaning that when you have a question, you have no real point of call to get your answers.
  • Don’t Hear Back From Them For Weeks – Some agencies try to grow far too quickly, and in turn end up neglecting all of their existing customers, meaning that to get a simple answer to a simple question you have to jump through hoops and then wait days if not weeks.
  • Unrealistic Promises – One sure fire way to weed out a poor digital agency straight away is to see what promises they make. A depressingly high number make grand statements such as “your website will make sales straight away” and “we guarantee you will be number 1 on Google within a month” – but these are things which simply cannot be promised, and any agency worth their salt knows this.
  • Offering Outdated Services – Techniques across all parts of digital marketing are constantly evolving, and old tactics are in some cases useless, and in others harmful, yet many agencies continue to stick with their old methods which will be no use to you whatsoever.
  • Offering the exact same “bundle” for every job – Many companies out there think that they can create a single “bundle” for every job, and apply it with success. If a digital agency has the exact same design for every website they create, or offer packages such as “100 links, 5 blog posts” – then stay clear, they’re most likely cutting corners.
  • Leaving you once the job is done – Once your web design project is complete, so many agencies offer no additional training or support, leaving you high and dry when you have questions, or whenever anything goes wrong.

Below is how we do things here at Dijitul, you will notice the difference.

  • We have a highly skilled and experienced team who will always give it a go whatever project you have in mind, and will never tell you something is “impossible” With the way the tech world is evolving, many of the so called “impossible” tasks are now possible, not to mention we love a good challenge and a chance to flex our muscles.
  • Transparency – We make sure you always know how things are moving along. If you come to us for a new website or a redesign, we will constantly keep you up to date with any updates or changes to it, ensuring you’re are in control of the final outcome. The same goes for SEO, if we tweak anything, or believe something needs changing, we will either email you straight away asking permission or will simply ask at the end of the month in your very own bespoke SEO report.
  • We never outsource, ever! All of our work is done in house in by our team in our office in Mansfield, come down and see for yourself, we usually have cake and coffee!
  • We get back to you as soon as possible – We have no call centre or sales agents, just professionals working on your projects all day, and ready to help you out with any questions you may have, and if we can’t get to the phone at the time, we’re always available on email too.
  • Realistic and proven results, with our wide array of marketing strategies and techniques that we have picked up in our many years of experience in the SEO and marketing world. This is something our design team take into consideration as well, as good rankings may not always lead to a successful website.
  • With the majority of work we carry out will be for you, we will constantly look at what your competition are up to, so you’re are always one step ahead of them. We are also always learning new marketing and web design methods/techniques ensuring you will be working with a company that is always evolving.
  • Every job is not the same, we know that and we treat them all uniquely. We always aim to learn as much as possible about the industry our customers are in too, this will help us ensure we are giving you and your customers just what they want.
  • We offer continued support – Our team will always give you in depth training on how to use your website so that you can run things yourself, when you choose us you become part of the “Dijitul family” and we will be here to help.

Do these promises, problems and excuses sound all to familiar to you?

We hope not, but if it does, be sure to give us a call on 01623 650333 to see just what a true jargon free digital agency can do for your business in the online world. Alternatively, you can head on over to our contact us page and fill in the required fields with your details and one of our design or SEO team will get in touch with you. (Your details will NOT be sold or outsourced!)

Or if this is something you would like to think more about, or would like to share with someone you know is having problems with their digital agency, then be sure to send them a link to this post. We are always here to help local or worldwide businesses succeed in the online world.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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