BlogAdviceBespoke Software

Bespoke Software

Bespoke software is one of the many services we offer and it seems that so far this year its all that people seem to be asking us for.

Bespoke Software

So far this year we have developed;

  • Bespoke Energy Billing Software
  • Bespoke Adobe Air Video Player
  • Bespoke CRM Software
  • Staff Management Software via WordPress Multi User
  • Custom Call Management Software
  • Custom Sales Staff Management Software…

And there is also more in the pipeline.

We’re not sure why it seems like all of a sudden everyone wants tailored software for their business, maybe word is getting round that we are good at what we do? Or maybe its because the business world in the UK is getting more ‘tech savvy’ and realising that the not only can they play draw something with their best mate via the Internet – but it can also help them and their business reach out to millions and millions of potential customers.

Do you need bespoke software?

Not everyone does – in fact many people can find pre-made solutions that fit their needs perfectly. Unfortunately for many – the software that’s out there just doesn’t quite hit the spot – to give you an example in terms of some CRM software, a customer of ours found a bit of kit that was 80% suitable but it didn’t factor in Google Calendar for reminders – they already used Google Calendars so they didn’t want to move on to something else and wanted their CRM to slot in with their existing infrastructure. We helped them on the path to having 100% systems integration.

So how do I get my bespoke software started?

Bespoke Software Planning

The first stage is to do some browsing and see if there are any bits of software that already exist that would do the job – you will save a lot of time and money if you can find something pre-existing. If you cannot find anything suitable then start having a think about exactly what it is you require. List features or requirements – maybe even physically scribble some ideas onto paper – the more this is planned the more likely it is you will end up with what you actually need.

Never Assume – what we mean by this is never, EVER, assume anything! If we are commissioned to make web based software and you fail to mention something when we are planning it out for you – don’t assume we’ll do it anyway as we wont! When you are talking about online shops, certain elements (shopping cart, checkout procedure etc) are standard and don’t need to be asked for – however when making something 100% bespoke we need to know about every element and every feature so we can ensure we hit the nail on the head, first time!

Contact our development team today and start planning your bespoke software.


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