BlogNews6 Easy, Yet Effective eCommerce OEM Parts Store Growth Hacks

6 Easy, Yet Effective eCommerce OEM Parts Store Growth Hacks

Most OEM Parts Stores are looking for the fast track to more sales and growth. Who wouldn’t?

Unfortunately, that’s a pipe dream sold by the so-called “experts”. But forget the pipe dream… there’s an efficient and effective way – 6 to be exact.

From our experience as OEM Parts Store SEO & web specialists, we know a thing or two when it comes to helping you increase traffic and revenues sustainably.

No overnight success scams. No tricks that result in search engine penalties. Just proven growth hacks to help your OEM Parts Store grow.

Are you ready? Time to buckle up!

Grow Your eCommerce OEM Parts Store [6 Growth Hacks]

  1. The “Best Sellers” Growth Hack
  2. The “Countdown” Growth Hack
  3. The “Banner” Growth Hack
  4. The “How-to” Growth Hack
  5. The “Site Speed” Growth Hack
  6. The “User-generated Content” Growth Hack


[Hack #1] The “Best Sellers” Growth Hack

One thing we all know is, sales don’t lie!

Your eCommerce sites best-selling OEM parts are your low-hanging fruit for your business to capitalize on.

Guess what? Everyone tends to love parts that they know everyone else is buying for their vehicle. That’s where the “Best Sellers” growth hack is in a league of its own. Here’s how you can make it work for your OEM parts store:

Step 1: Find your best sellers

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can find your best sellers with Google Analytics.

However, before we do this, we must first remember identifying your best selling parts requires that you take into account a variety of factors, not just total sales numbers. You need to make sure you’re choosing the part or accessory that’s best for your business. A great “best seller” in my opinion should include products that yield a solid profit margin, products that are in-stock, easy to ship, and more.

With this in mind, head on over to Google Analytics. Sort your website pages by traffic by Behaviour >> Site Content >> All Pages:

6 Easy, Yet Effective eCommerce OEM Parts Store Growth Hacks: Google Analytics

Once you see the page above, sort your results by Page Value to help determine which product pages are bringing in the most revenue for your parts store. Why? Traffic doesn’t always equate to sales.

Now you’ve identified your best selling products, it’s time to build a landing page for that product(s).

Step 2: Building product landing pages

Remember, when it comes to creating your “best seller” part landing pages, it must do the job of getting people to convert from visitor to customer. That’s the point of this type of landing page, to increase your revenue.

Check out this one from Milner Off Road. We helped them create a landing page for one of their upcoming best sellers “LED Light Bars”, and guess what? They sell, lots!

6 Easy Yet Effective eCommerce OEM Parts Store Growth Hacks: Landing Page

Landing pages like this one are great for serving your customers with a relevant page to that product. It saves your customers time and effort of having to search through your website to find the part they are looking for.

Step 3. Promoting your landing page

Once you have your “best seller” product page ready, it’s time to get traffic to it.

eCommerce OEM Part Store marketing can be done with a variety of ways. For example, SEO, social media marketing, Google AdWords, Bing AdWords, email marketing and much more.

Whichever method you choose, ensure you choose the right one(s) which help generate the greatest number of sales.

[Hack #2] The “Countdown” Growth Hack

Unfortunately, in the world of eCommerce, you’ll get window shoppers. However, it’s your job to create a sense of urgency with these window shoppers and get them to buy.

The “countdown” growth hack can be done in a variety of ways. For example:

  • A countdown timer
  • Only X left in stock
  • Order now for free day shipping

and much more.

Amazon is brilliant at this. For example, take a look at this product page when I searched for “car paint care”.

6 Easy Yet Effective eCommerce OEM Parts Store Growth Hacks - countdown

“Want it delivered by? – Order within”

What if I miss the cut off point? I have to buy this product now!

This is the “delivery countdown” hack at its finest. It’s super easy to implement into your OEM parts store marketing plan, and from our experience, they work! Don’t believe us? Give it a try, and watch your sales rocket.

*Countdown Hack Tip* – To begin with, don’t use this hack on every one of your parts or accessories. Be selective and use this hack on products you either 1) need to get off your shelves, 2) are on sale, or 3) have witnessed a dip in sales recently.

[Hack #3] The “Banner” Growth Hack

As the name suggests, adding a banner with your unique selling points can positively impact your sales.

Here’s an example of a banner that positively impacted sales and conversion rates for one of our automotive parts retailers:

6 Easy Yet Effective eCommerce OEM Parts Store Growth Hacks - Banner

We conducted research on the trust indicators their clients wanted most when purchasing. From the results, we created a banner that’s easily visible to all their visitors and resulted in increased conversion rates by more than 5%!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Your customer lands on your website
  2. They see the Unique Selling Point or Trust Indicator banner
  3. They trust your website
  4. They buy from you.

The customer now has more incentive to shop on your website, because they know they can trust you thanks to your secure online ordering, they know they can buy from a different country thanks to worldwide shipping.

Do your research and find your unique selling points or the trust indicators your customers look for most and create a banner that’s easily visible for them to see.

[Hack #4] The “How-to” Growth Hack

How-to guides are no doubt one of the biggest searches conducted by your customers.

For example, if you offer DIY car parts, there’s a very good chance they’re looking to fit the part themselves.

If you sell engine oil, your customers might be looking for a how-to guide on how to change their engine oil.

Better yet, you can be different and put a twist on it.

For example, wrote an article called “How Not to Change Your Engine Oil”. In the last year, the article has had almost 800 social shares according to Buzzsumo!

6 Easy Yet Effective eCommerce OEM Parts Store Growth Hacks: How-to

Creating how-to guides for your customers gives them a reason to keep coming back, plus you can link to your products within it. How great is that?

[Hack #5] The “Site Speed” Growth Hack

Don’t Think PageSpeed Is Important? Well, Google and your customers do!

Did you know, 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load?

Did you know, 52% of online shoppers claim that quick page loads are important for their loyalty to a site?

Did you know, According to Google, “speed equals revenue.”?

These are just 3 reasons why page speed is absolutely vital to your eCommerce OEM Parts Store.

You can see how fast your website loads for your website visitors by heading over to Google Analytics >> Behavior >> Site Speed >> Overview

6 Easy Yet Effective eCommerce OEM Parts Store Growth Hacks - Site speed

If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, then I highly recommend making your website faster.

[Hack #6] The “User-generated Content” Growth Hack

Using user-generated content is a great way to grow your eCommerce business.

If you’re brand in the automotive parts sector, chances are people are talking about you online. A great way to find out is by searching your brand name with the hashtag in front on Instagram. For example #yourbrandname.

Milner Off Road are one of the largest suppliers of 4×4 parts and accessories in the world, and they use this to their advantage.

The Milner Off Road brand is built around sharing a passion for off-roading with the 4×4 community.

Sometimes your customers are creating a buzz for you. You just need to find a way to capitalise on that.

It’s Your Turn To Grow Your OEM Parts Store

Despite what some agencies and business might say, there’s no fast track to eCommerce success. And if they do say that, I’d tell you to stay far away from them and their services.
However, we’ve given you 6 proven growth hacks we’ve used for our customers and have had great success with.

From the “best seller” to “user-generated content”, these hacks will help your business gain the traction you need to sell more parts and accessories and increase your revenue.

*Pro Tip* If you plan on implementing any of the hacks above. I suggest only trying one at a time. The reason for this is because, if you implement all 6 at once, it can be hard to track which one(s) are having a positive impact on your sales. Good luck from all at Dijitul Automotive.


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