BlogAdvice41% Of Firms Use Social Media To Win Clients

41% Of Firms Use Social Media To Win Clients

A recent survey of around 4,000 business owners has shown that around 41% of businesses use social media marketing to win new business – up 8% from last years figures.

The findings from the survey have shown that social media has evolved into an essential marketing tool for a lot of businesses, with 66% saying their marketing campaigns would ‘suffer’ without social media activity.

Other key findings include –

  • Globally, there has been a rise of seven per cent in the proportion of businesses successfully recruiting new customers through social networks.
  • One third of companies in the UK (33 per cent) devote up to 20 per cent of their marketing budget to business social networking activity.
  • 52 per cent of businesses globally and 48 per cent in the UK use the channel to engage, connect with and inform existing customers.
  • In the UK, 50 per cent of firms encourage their employees to join business networks, compared to 53 per cent globally.

These are very encouraging figures as social media marketing is a fantastic way to market your business…time to get the other 59% on board!

For more information about social media marketing please the call the Dijitul team on 01623 650333.



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