BlogAdviceOnly 16% of Social Network Links Go To Business

Only 16% of Social Network Links Go To Business

I know, I may sound like a broken record with my multiple shameless mentions of social networking sites and how they should be used for business promotion, but its true! and its never been more evident than now.

Recently released figures have confirmed what we all sort of already knew, social networking websites are now the most popular in the UK, overtaking entertainment websites to be 12.46% of all internet usage.

However,  recent statistics have also shown that businesses are still missing out. Although internet shopping is huge, and social networking is the most popular internet activity, only around 16% of all exchanged links actually point to ‘transactional websites’ – websites who sell.

It really is simple, yet so many people are missing out. A presence and a good following on sites such as facebook, twitter and youtube can really increase the traffic and brand awareness of your website, plus recently there has even been increased suggestion that it will rub off and help with your main site SEO. So what are you waiting for?

For more information on how to get yourself onto social networking sites and how it can help you, or anything digital marketing and SEO related, called the friendly team on 01623 650333.

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