New Website: Pending….

We are planning and building a new dijitul website, we have tried to look at it before but we are always so busy – our own website is always pushed to the back of the queue.
It is something that has become more important over the last few weeks though, as we are trimming down our offering and focusing our energy on a smaller range of digital services moving forward. We have always offered a full range of digital services from design through to hosting, but over the last year or so it has become apparent to the team that we are good at most things, but we excel more in a few of the services we offer – so thats where our focus is going to be over the next few years.
We’ve subconsciously been pushing these services anyway, but we have still been advertising that we can do everything – so we need our website to highlight what we actually offer instead of us featuring every possible digital service available.
Watch this space 🙂